The Buddy Program
Tuesday is the Buddy Meet and Greet and we are so excited!

Covenant’s Buddy Program was implemented during the 2012-2013 academic year and its purpose is to strengthen the school community. The program also provides further opportunities for students to participate fully in the life and culture at Covenant.
Students in fifth through twelfth grades serve as older buddies to students in prekindergarten through fourth grades. When the House System was established during the 2013-2014 academic year, the Buddy Program became aligned within the house system so that buddies are paired together within the same house. Older students are matched with younger students which creates a sense of unity within the student body and within each house. The younger students look up to their older buddy and the older students undertake a supportive and caring relationship with their younger buddy which encourages respect and confidence. The older buddies serve as role models and know that it is important they set a good example for their little buddies. This program also provides our older students an excellent opportunity to develop leadership skills that will serve them well as they continue to develop and mature.
Throughout the school year, Covenant organizes several events that allow the buddies to have fun together and get to know one another. These events create a bond between older and younger students that contributes to the student’s social and emotional learning and increases their self-esteem. These events include:
Buddy Meet & Greet
The first buddy event, the Buddy Meet and Greet, takes place in September. Students that are new to Covenant meet their buddies for the first time, enrolled students reconnect with their buddies from the previous year, and 5th grade students are excited to be an older buddy to a younger student for the first time.

Homecoming Pep Rally
Just before the homecoming game, we have a pep rally and the little buddies have fun together with their big buddies dancing and cheering for the Covenant Knights.
Christmas at Covenant
We celebrate Christmas as an entire school community, typically at a local church. The day begins with “buddy breakfast” together. Following breakfast, the students divide into their respective houses to process into the sanctuary and the buddies sit together throughout the Christmas service of singing Christmas carols. At the end of the service, each child receives their annual Covenant Christmas ornament that is specially designed each year.
House Games
House Games Day takes place in the spring and once again brings the school community together for a day of fun and friendly competition. During House Games, the buddies often cheer each other on during their competitions and the event concludes with the buddies having lunch together to celebrate their accomplishments.

The buddies of the senior class members participate in graduation by giving a rose to the graduate after the diploma has been presented. The rose is then presented by the graduate to their mother.
We are looking forward to this fun event! Your children will bring home an information sheet with all the things they learned about their buddy during the Meet and Greet. If your child does not make it home with this sheet, please email Mrs. McCormick at the front desk.
By: Covenant Staff