One of the most significant times in the life of a Covenant Preparatory School student is our Traditions Ceremony. During our annual ceremony, students in specific grade levels mark milestones in their spiritual development by receiving an age-appropriate keepsake. Establishing and maintaining our traditions reminds Covenant Knights to pursue a life committed to serving Christ and contending for the truth of His Gospel.

First Grade – Covenant Bible
The Covenant Bible is presented to kindergarten students. The Bible has the student’s name and senior graduation year on the front. As a Christ-centered community, we believe that before anything else, we strive to instill in our students a love for God’s word and the Gospel.

Third Grade – Covenant Compass
The Covenant compass is presented to second grade students, symbolizing the unchanging truth that Christ alone will teach them the way of wisdom and lead them in the paths of righteousness. Our prayer for each of our students is that they acknowledge Christ as Lord and look to him as their guide and their “true north” as they travel the path of life that God has prepared for them.

Fifth Grade – Covenant Crest
At the end of the fourth grade year, students will receive the Covenant shield, signifying matriculation into the middle school years. It is further symbolic because it is in the fifth grade when students will begin representing Covenant in competitive athletics. As students prepare to represent our school, the Covenant shield displays the Knights Code: Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King. It is our prayer that our students will internalize and embody the eternal truth of these words.

Seventh Grade – Covenant Journal and Pen
At the end of the sixth grade, students will receive a Covenant journal and pen, with the Covenant logo and name on each item. This is the time students learn pre-rhetoric skills that will enable them to emerge as not only great thinkers, but effective and persuasive communicators as well.

Ninth Grade – Covenant Blazer
At the end of eighth grade, students will receive a Covenant Blazer – a navy blue blazer embroidered with the Covenant patch. The blazers are worn on chapel day and signifies the transition into leadership and sets an example for others to follow.

Eleventh Grade – Covenant Lapel Pin
At the end of the tenth grade, students will receive a Covenant lapel pin for the blazer, signifying their position as an upperclassman and their key roles as leaders throughout the entire school community. As eleventh graders, students wear the gold lapel pin symbolizing servant leadership and being a role model for their peers.

Twelfth Grade – Covenant Cord
At the Baccalaureate Service, seniors pass on their crimson cords to the juniors. These cords are three-strand cords that students wear around their necks over the blazers, signifying that they are seniors. The symbolism is also significant because the students will not “own” the cords, but rather, will be seen as stewards of them, as the same cords will be presented to the next rising senior class.

Twelfth Grade Receives a Covenant Staff and Senior Seal at the Baccalaureate Ceremony
Our senior students are presented with The Covenant staff. This staff serves as a reminder to our graduates to walk with Christ. We pray that they will walk with the Lord our God for all of their days, “rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith”.
Senior students also receive a Covenant seal to be used on their Covenant Diploma. The seal is a personalized wax seal, symbolizing the sealing of their lives in Christ, as well as the completion of their schooling at The Covenant Preparatory School.
Monday Dedications
At the start of each week, our students gather to be greeted by their teacher and to dedicate the week to our Lord and Savior. The staff lead the dedication with the Pledge of Allegiance, The Pledge to the Christian Flag, and our school hymn. The student body then joins in prayer as we express thanks for the past weekend and that we are gathered again for the coming week.
Friday Benediction
By meeting as a community at the start of a week, the students and staff get off on the right track by returning their focus to God and His plan for us.
At the end of the day on Fridays, our students and faculty gather in the foyer to close out the week. During this time, the Covenant family joins together in prayer and song, the Talis Canon.
Parents are invited to view this incredible expression of our love, thankfulness and joy at Covenant.